Oct. 22, 2017
Whether retired or still in the workforce, we all have lives and having PD on top of that only adds to the mania of daily life. No one wants to do Parkinson's all day, yet we have no choice. I am fortunate enough to only work part time but I often wonder how PwP, or other chronic illnesses, work full time and work on staying healthy.
My "new normal" involves going to the grocery store more often to get fresh produce and taking more time to plan meals. Long gone are the days of pulling through the drive thru to get a burger and fries when I don't feel like or don't have time to make dinner.
My "new normal" also involves finding time to exercise every day. Sometimes I go to the gym, sometimes I go hiking, sometimes I go to yoga class and sometimes I can only eek out a half hour to ride my exercise bike or jump on my elliptical. My "new normal" also involves many more doctor visits than I ever imagined, PD conferences, support groups, not to mention the hours spent doing online research. My "new normal" is crazy busy because I get to go to the gym, I get to go to good doctors, I get to go to grocery store, and I have access to a world of online resources. Dare I say thank you for my "new normal?" To be honest, I'm still working on that one.
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