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Showing posts from August, 2019

Not 20 Anymore

  Three years ago today I heard those words, "You have Parkinson's Disease."  If you had told me then that in three years I would be healthier, stronger, and more confident, I would not have believed you.  That day, I believed it was all going to be downhill from there.  There have definitely been some challenges but everyone has challenges and I have to remember that sometimes, life's challenges are just a normal part of life and getting older.  After all, I'm not 20 anymore. PD or Normal Life? If you have been diagnosed with something serious like PD, you may tend to blame everything on your disease.  I know that I do this on a regular basis. My stiff and achy joints must be a result of PD and not the fact that I just spent hours at the gym working really hard... and I'm not 20 anymore. My need to grab glasses to read on a regular basis must be PD affecting my eyes and not the fact that all my friends without PD are doing the same thing...and I'm not 20 ...

Google and Gadgets

  It seems someone is always trying to sell you something online and the Big Brother of the Internet has your demographics down to a science. I am one of those people who never gives truthful personal information online in an effort to not let Big Brother know me too well.  I told Facebook that I am a 114 year old man and yet, I get bombarded with ads for hot flash treatments and hormone supplements. How do THEY know? You only need to put one word in a google search and you will get ads for days and days related to that one topic.   These days, numerous ads for products, supplements, treatments and devices related to Parkinson's shower my social media. I know this is because of my daily searches for something, anything, new that might help me and others with Parkinson's.  As much as I try not to pay attention to these ads,  I'm as human and as desperate as the next person and it is hard not to hope something will work.   Once in a while, I will try out some...