The research is out there. The case studies are available. Exercise helps those with Parkinson's. In my opinion, it isn't just beneficial, but it is necessary if you want to live a full life with PD. I know the docs are busy but this isn't brand new research and those being diagnosed need to know that exercise will help them and the sooner they start, the better. It is crucial that the word gets out to the patients...those who live day in and day out with this disease. They need to know it on the day of diagnosis. How do we get the word out if the doctors aren't telling the patients? It is left up to the patient and/or care partner to do the research and find out for themselves. On top of dealing with a life changing diagnosis, you now have to do your own research, be your own advocate, and find your way to better health on your own. I wish I could personally appeal to every neurologist out there and show them the research and show them ...
My Journey with Parkinson's